Introducing New York City Girl
Oh, yeah…and those two other girls who I hope don’t read this…
and the baby…
and Zena, the barking warrior dog that wants to eat the baby…
There should be a super hero called New York City Girl. She would be a do-it-all girl. Travel, work, volunteer, would love nature, act a little crazy sometimes (just a little though), often hyper, happy-go-lucky, shop, dance, seem obsessed with shoes, and handbags, and clothes, and anything she could get her hands on, wouldn’t know totally impractical things like how to drive a car (we have subways in New York), to unclog a toilet, or to make her bed, but she’d know other really practical ones like E = mc2, or Newton’s Three Laws or how the all three World Wars got started (kidding!), and bake chocolate chip cookies to get what she wants.
Above all, she would be totally fabulous and those lucky enough to be around her would hail to the goddess…At least in her daydreams.
Well, that sounds a lot like me, actually.
So I told my girlfriends that we should start blogging. The three of us are Fab3 –Irma, Eleanor and Selina. We’ve been friends since high school and fabulous since…Well, since birth…And, I mean, friends, good friends, BFFs. Actually, one summer at Elie’s grandparents’ house at Lake George, we even told people we were sisters and I think some believed us (once you see pictures you will understand why those people who believed us couldn’t have been New Yorkers because they were a little dumb). We are the Fab3, but without me they are just two, if you know what I mean.
About us:
We are Fabulous, Fabulous, and Fabulous. Fab3. Enough said.
Our hobbies:
To be fabulous.
Now that we’ve settled that…Recently, Eleanor, Selina and I acquired a mascot. Her name is Carmen (like the opera), or at least that’s what Elie and I call her. She is actually Selina’s daughter, but she looks like she’s my child.
We also have a wannabe mascot. Her name is Zena, Elie’s dog. She wasn’t very happy when we brought Carmen over to Elie’s apartment. She went particularly insane when Elie’s dad, her greatest patron, started cooing at Carmen. Maybe we can make it up to Zena by giving her a blog or something. She’s a little dumb, but not very…In fact, once she got really upset because people weren’t paying attention to her, so she started peeing in the corners of the house. Great tactic. But Elie can tell you more. She thinks Zena is smarter than a baby. I wonder if she would say that to Carmen’s face, and how Carmen would respond…She’s quite put together and well-rounded…Well, for a baby, that is.
That’s enough writing for a day…
WARNING: I am a writer, but don’t expect my blog to give you any real insights on life, love or cooking. It is not intended to be a life-changing experience. I just want a place to rant about my fabulousness (and, possibly, other people’s lack of it). I do not expect you to like me. I do not expect you to admire me. I am too fabulous to be liked or admired, and to care, as well. I don’t know what the other Fabs are planning. I think Selina wants to talk about breastfeeding and Elie wants to talk about why people with seizures can’t go skydiving or something.
wow zena really did that? maybe aurora should stay away until she is old enough to fight back.
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